Sunday, 11 March 2012

Chapter 1

Chapter One
 "Hey! Get off me Leopardkit!" Bluekit yelled, trying to shove her weighty brother off her using her hind paws, but it wasn't working.
"Leopardkit, get off your sister at once." Bumblestripe growled from behind her, and the weight was lifted from her belly.
Scrambling to her paws, Bluekit stuck her tongue out at Leopardkit indignantly whilst her father gave her rough licks on her head, causing her to squeal in protest.
"Bluekit you're no fun, I was just playing." Leopardkit grumbled scuffing his white paws on the ground, scowling at her.
Bluekit let out a humph of annoyance. Brothers, why couldn't they be a bit more careful! She thought to herself, though really she wasn't that angry at Leopardkit. She just wished she could be bigger than her siblings. Leopardkit was massive!
"Cheer up you two, why do you go and play with Mountainkit and Beekit?" Bumblestripe suggested hopefully, Bluekit guessed he had better things to do with his time than sorting out their problems.
"I bet they will play something fun." Leopardkit muttered, stomping out of the Nursery.
Bluekit sighed and chased after him, not wanting to be left behind.

Bluekit licked a stormy grey forepaw, watching her siblings play around in front of her. They liked the battle games, and were pretending to be Rowanstar, Lionstar and Mistystar - battling it out for the thrush Hazeltail had caught this morning. Normally she'd be Onestar, but today she wasn't feeling up to it.
Almost silent pawsteps signaled Dovewing's entrance from the medicine cat den. Bluekit chirped with joy - her mother had been talking to Jayfeather for ages.
"Dovewing! Dovewing!" She purred and bounded up to her across the clearing.
"Bluekit?" She mewed in surprise, before flicking her tail tip in worry, "Why aren't you playing with the others?"
"I-I don't feel like it today." The kit stammered, before changing the topic quickly, "What were you talking to Jayfeather about? You've been in there for moons!"
Dovewing hesitated, a guilty look flashing in her eyes. "I was just, just chatting." She mewed vaguely, before walking briskly over to Bumblestripe who was watching Leopardkit, Mountainkit and Beekit proudly.
Bluekit sighed. Sometimes she wondered what Dovewing was hiding from her, and she could swear that her grumpy medicine cat was in on the secret too. It wasn't fair! Why won't she tell me?

"Bluekit, I'm going to be Lionstar's apprentice!" Beekit yowled at the top of his voice, even though Bluekit was only a few mousetails away.
"Really?" Bluekit mewed, intrest and awe glinting in her eyes.
"What! That's so unfair!" Leopardkit hissed, scowling at Beekit and lashing his tail.
"How did you manage that?" Mountainkit mewed, obviously curious.
Beekit looked taken aback and he stepped backwards a few paces. "Well, I, err... That's the plan, anyway." He muttered, looking a little unsure of himself as though he hadn't expected to not be Lionstar's apprentice.
"I knew it!" Bluekit snorted, "You've got less sense than a mouse in camp!"
Mountainkit was laughing beside her, but Leopardkit was fuming.
"Don't say that! I thought you meant it." He growled, glaring at Beekit.
"Well I meant it at the time, that is, well, yeah..." Beekit mumbled, averting his amber eyes.
Bluekit chuckled at her brother, he could be so stupid sometimes. Both of her brothers could. At least Mountainkit had some sense to her, but she seemed too cowardly at times. Am I cowardly? Bluekit wondered absently, before brushing the thought out of her head. No, she wasn't cowardly. Or so she hoped.

It was sunhigh, and the kits were back in the Nursery. It wasn't fair; the Nursery was far too small for the four of them, let alone with Hollyleaf expecting Thornclaw's kits. It was high time Bluekit and her siblings were made apprentices, in fact, she should speak to Lionstar about it - he was kind to her at least. But she couldn't help but have to ignore the look her leader sometimes gave her, as if he was waiting for her to suddenly start flying. But who was she to question what her leader thought of her? Maybe she could fly? Bluekit snorted. She was being silly, cats couldn't fly even if they tried.
Bluekit curled up closer to Dovewing, ignoring the shrieks from Beekit and Leopardkit who were fighitng over who would be Clan leader. If they had any luck, it would be neither of them. Besides, Bluekit secretly had a little ambition of her own. If she could be Clan leader... Well, she could keep her siblings in check.
Mountainkit's heavy breathing from beside her told Bluekit that she was sleeping. A yawn stretched Bluekit's features. Even if it was sunhigh, it was high time for a nap. Trying to time her breathing to her sisters, she closed her eyes, listening to Mountainkit's fading heartbeat...
Bluekit's eyes shot open.
"Mountainkit's not breathing!" She screeched, leaping to her paws, stormy grey fur out on end. "Help! Help!"

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