Sunday, 18 March 2012

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

 Bluekit sniffed disdainfully as she stepped out of the Nursery. She hadn't been out in camp for days, not since- Nevermind. It was Dovewing who forced her out here in the first place, and if she hadn't Bluekit would probably have stayed in her nest peacefully wallowing in greif.
Bluekit snorted. Trust her to be in a grumpy mood after just stepping out into open air.
She sighed wearily, and looked around camp. A grim mood seemed to have swept over her clanmates like an overhanging cloud ever since Mountainkit had, had passed on. Even now after three days they still hadn't been as cheerful as they once were.
And it's all my fault! Bluekit thought in despair, and screwed up her eyes tightly.
Perhaps she could just go away and die in a hole some place, nobody would care. Nobody from her hushed clanmates to the annoying starlings chattering in the forest.
Bluekit thought of the starlings, how they could just fly away from their troubles. Listening closer to them, Bluekit realised that the birds squarking was actually quite formal. It was as if they were talking to eachother. Probably about the Clan cats who ate their brothers and sisters.
It wasn't fair, Bluekit decided, that the birds had to die and they survived. But it wouldn't be fair if we died and the birds survived, she noted dryly in her head. Life was good how it was, unfair to the birds, but it was still good.
Bluekit pricked her ears and began to listen closer to the starlings, imagining them hopping along the branches, talking to eachother about the weather. They were probably just like a Clan in their ways, sharing tongues and looking after one another.
She smiled for the first time in days. She could almost tell what they were singing by the tone of their birdy voice:
"I'm hungry!" One of them tweeted, probably a young chick.
"You can't be hungry now, you've just eaten!" She imagined an older bird telling the chick off for being annoying.
"Aww, please can I have something to eat," The other bird chirped loudly.
"No. And that's the last of it. Now hurry along and go and do something to entertain yourself!" If birds could growl, I bet this one would Bluekit thought, twitching her whiskers in amusement.
Trying to think of the birds as cats was quite fun, they did have lives just as them. Though Bluekit was just putting words to the sounds she heard, she could bet that what she guessed was right.
"You seem happy," A voice sounded from behind her, and the kit flashed open her eyes and whirled around in surprise.
"Jayfeather!" She squeaked, her voice shrill. She had not expected to see the medicine cat.
"Bluekit." He mewed wryly, settling himself down beside her, "You haven't been at all right ever since Mountainkit died. And you know it."
Bluekit turned away, wincing inwardly as he said her dead littermates name.
"It wasn't your fault you know," Jayfeather began gruffly, as though he hated to be having this conversation. Well she didn't either.
"Shut up!" She snarled, spinning around and lashing out her claws at him.
Jayfeather leaped back in alarm as the claws hit his face.
Instantly, Bluekit felt satisfied as she saw beads of blood begin to swell from his cheek. But the satisfaction soon turned to horror as she realised what she had done.
It seemed like the whole Clan had seen it too because they gave a united gasp of shock.
Bluekit stepped back with her jaw dropped, shaking her head.
"Bluekit!" Lionstar's growl came from across the clearing as the leader jumped down from his den, scattering stones as he padded towards her.
Jayfeather just stood there, paralysed in amazement.
"Bluekit what have you done?" Lionstar hissed at her through gritted teeth as though he was fighting back the urge to slash her with his own claws.
It was all too much.
"Just leave me alone!" She screeched and she ran out of camp as fast as she could.
It wasn't soon before she heared pawsteps tearing after her, letting out a frustrated yowl she headed for the closest hiding place - some sort of strange tunnel. It looked disused, old and ancient; perfect for her to hide in. Bluekit didn't know much about ThunderClan territory, so the more old and disused the place was, the better.
Charging into the tunnel she let her paws carry her swiftly until the weak light left her in complete darkness.
Alone and scared, Bluekit let out a faint whine of distress, before collapsing onto the hard stone ground beneath her.

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